PLAY GROUP- CLASS 9 & 11 Read more..
Head Boy's Message
Mohd Saif Qureshi
(Head Boy)

“Our school is not just a place of learning; it’s a canvas for our dreams, where we paint the future we envision.”

It is an immense honour and privilege to serve as the Head Boy of St. Mark’s College for this academic year. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the trust you have placed in me and my fellow student leaders.

As the leaders of our school, we understand the responsibility that comes with our roles. Our mission is to represent the student body effectively, uphold the school’s values, and work in harmony with our dedicated teachers and staff to create a thriving and inclusive learning environment.

At St. Marks’s,we believe that education extends beyond textbooks and exams. It is about personal growth, character development, and embracing the diverse talents and interests that make each of us unique. We aim to celebrate our diversity and nurture an atmosphere of respect, empathy, and unity.

This year, we are dedicated to facilitating positive change within our school. We will work together to foster a sense of belonging, encourage open communication, and support one another in achieving our goals.

I encourage every student to actively participate in school activities, share your ideas and concerns, and contribute to making our school a place where we can all flourish. Together, we can make this academic year a memorable and enriching experience.

I look forward to working with all of you, and I am confident that, as a united school community, we can achieve great things.

Thank you for your trust and support. Let’s make this year one to remember.